Kalamazoo 2015 – Papers and Panels of Note

In advance of the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 13-17, 2015, here is a list of papers and panels of interest to IMFS members. Speakers with asterisks are also members of the Society.

For additions or corrections, please comment below.

IMFS Events

Session 351, Saturday 10:00 a.m., Fetzer 1060
Performances of Marie de France: Guigemar
Simonetta Cochis (Transylvania U), Yvonne LeBlanc (Independent Scholar), Tamara Bentley Caudill (Tulane U)

International Marie de France Business Meeting, Saturday 12:00 p.m., Fetzer 1060

Other papers of interest

  • Fallen Language and Animal Communication in Marie de France’s Bisclavret
    Alison Langdon (Western Kentucky U)
    Thursday, 3:30 – S132
  • Clueless in the Twelfth Century: Playing Marie de France’s Questionable Heroine in Chaitivel
    Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ*
    Friday, 1:30 – S253
  • Defamation and De-Nosing in Marie de France’s Bisclavret
    Christine E. Kozikowski, College of the Bahamas
    Sunday, 8:30 – S515
  • Challenges in Translating Medieval French: The Case of Druerie in Marie de France’s Lais
    Philipp Jeserich, Freie Univ. Berlin
    Thursday, 3:30 – S101
  • Counterfeiting Monstrosity: Knowledge and Ignorance in the Lai of Graelent and the Fabliau La Sorisete des estopes
    Stefanie Goyette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology*
    Thursday, 10:00 – S12
  • Public Feeling in the Manteau mal Taillé and the Lai du Cor
    Michael A. Johnson, Central Washington Univ.
    Thursday, 7:30 – S151

About Tamara Caudill

Assistant Professor of French at Jacksonville University Past President, International Marie de France Society Assistant Editor, Le Cygne
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