ICLS 2016 Call for Papers – Marie de France panel(s)

The International Marie de France Society aims to sponsor 1-2 panels at the
XVth Congress
Of the
International Courtly Literature Society
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky USA
24-29 July 2016

Embracing Lexington’s status as the horse capital of the world, the theme of the Congress is Courtly Pastimes.

This event promises to be memorable! In addition to the many excellent panels, there will be concerts and performances, as well as planned excursions to horse farms, bourbon distilleries, and the Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill. The International Marie de France Society (IMFS) will also host a special invitation-only luncheon for our panelists.


The IMFS invites papers addressing courtly pastimes in a broad sense, both in the works of Marie de France and in the so-called anonymous lays. Panel titles will be announced once submissions have been accepted and grouped, but we can envision sessions such as “Leisure in the lays” or “Courtliness in ‘other works’ of Marie de France.”

Papers are welcome on topics such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Hunting, falconry, jousting, and tournaments
  • Festivals, ceremonies, and celebrations
  • Games and sports
  • Dance, music, songs, and poetry
  • The Garden: Plants and Nature (real or symbolic, in treatises, in visual arts)
  • Animals (real, mythical, literary, heraldic, emblematic)
  • Domestic animals (horses, lap dogs, hunting dogs, household cats)
  • Exotic pets
  • Reading and writing
  • Sewing, embroidery, textile arts
  • Amorous dalliances
  • Courtly spaces: Decorous interiors, decorative objects, fabrics, and furnishings
  • Warriors dismounted: Knights at court (courtly conduct, speech, dress)

Submission & Guidelines

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to tcaudill@tulane.edu by November 25, 2015. This will allow time to compile and submit the documentation for the overall conference deadline of December 1.

You need not be an IMFS member to submit an abstract, but all accepted panelists will be expected to join the society before presenting. For more information, see www.mariedefrance.org.

Participants will then be invited to submit their polished papers to Le Cygne, the peer-reviewed journal of the Society, editor: Glyn S. Burgess.

About Tamara Caudill

Assistant Professor of French at Jacksonville University Past President, International Marie de France Society Assistant Editor, Le Cygne
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