Le Cygne, Volume 5

We are pleased to announce the publication of Le Cygne, Volume 5.

It contains two articles, one by Katherine Pierpont, which examines the issue of disability and deformity in the works of Chrétien de Troyes and Marie de France (with special reference to Bisclavret and Yonec), and the other by Matthieu Boyd, who examines three Breton translators (Kermoal, Hemon, and ar Gow) who have translated Marie’s lays into Breton. This issue also included four of the six papers that were given at the Kalamazoo meeting in 2018 on the occasion of a Round Table entitled “Marie and Ovid” (Rupert Pickens, Dorothy Gilbert, Emanuel Mickel and Susan Hopkirk). One of the current aims of the journal is to publish editions of Marie lays as they are found in MS S (Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. fr. 1104). After Le Fresne and the Bisclavret fragment in last year’s issue, this year we print Leslie Brook’s edition of Equitan. The present issue is completed by Tamara Caudill’s review of The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Translation by Claire M. Waters (Broadview Press, 2018) and a dissertation abstract (Joseph R. Johnson, New York University).

Submissions for the 2019 issue, and any comments or queries, will be very welcome (email address: af02@liv.ac.uk).

Glyn S. Burgess.

About Tamara Caudill

Assistant Professor of French at Jacksonville University Past President, International Marie de France Society Assistant Editor, Le Cygne
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