Kalamazoo 2021 – Papers of Interest

The following papers and panels at Kalamazoo 2021 are of interest to scholars of Marie de France. All of these papers/panels are available as recordings, except for those marked with an asterisk (*).

If we missed your paper, email Tamara Caudill.

Monday, May 10, 2021 | 9am EDT
Session 7: Queer, Trans, Ace, and Beyond I
Sponsor: BABEL Working Group & Society for the Study of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages (SSHMA)
Paper Title: “Marie de France: Asexual Bodies and Spaces”
Presenter: Timothy “Jason” Wright, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 | 5pm EDT
International Marie de France Society Business Meeting

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 | 1pm EDT
Session 208: Romance and the Animal Turn II: Romance and Queer Ecology
Sponsor: Medieval Romance Society
Paper Title: “Beast and Love: Questioning (Hetero)normativity through Fantastic Beasts in Bisclavret and Le Bel Inconnu”
Presenter: Leticia Ding, Univ. of Lausanne

Thursday, May 13, 2021 | 11am EDT
Session 268: Romance and the Animal Turn III: Romance and Posthumanism
Sponsor: Medieval Romance Society
Paper Title: “The Gaze of the Werewolf: The Human/Animal Divide in Marie de France’s Bisclavret”
Presenter: Khizar Khan, Independent Scholar

Thursday, May 13, 2021 | 7pm EDT
Session 311: Impropriety and Notoriety in Courtly Literature
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society
Paper Title: “Erotic Disruption: The Threat of Guinevere’s Impropriety in Marie de France’s Lanval
Presenter: Caroline M. Fleischauer, Univ. of Wyoming

Friday, May 14, 2021 | 5pm EDT
Session 373: Performances of Marie de France: Chaitivel
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Performers: Tricia Postle, Univ. of Cambridge; Ronald Cook, Independent Scholar; Simonetta Cochis; and Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar.

Saturday, May 15, 2021 | 1pm EDT
Session 420: “Translating Marie de France: Challenges and Opportunities (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Discussants: Judy Shoaf, Univ. of Florida; Ronald Cook; and Dorothy Gilbert, Independent Scholar.

*Saturday, May 15, 2021 | 1pm EDT
Session 426: Translation and Translation Theory
Paper Title: ““It’s a Bird! It’s a Man! No, it’s Bird-Man!”: Translating Muldumarec’s Metamorphic Masculinities in Yonec and Jonet
Presenter: Miles Smith, Independent Scholar

Saturday, May 15, 2021 | 3pm EDT
Session 434: Food and Furnishings: The Domestic in Marie de France
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Paper 1 Title: “Telltale Textiles: Fabric and Voice in the Lais of Marie de France”
Presenter: Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.
Paper 2 Title: “Gender and Agency in Marie de France’s Domestic Spheres”
Presenter: Susan Hopkirk

About Tamara Caudill

Assistant Professor of French at Jacksonville University Past President, International Marie de France Society Assistant Editor, Le Cygne
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