S159 | Friday, 10:00 AM
“Interpreting the Feminine in Marie’s Vie Seinte Audrée,” Christina Marie Virok, Independent Scholar
S183 | Friday, 10:00 AM
“The Ace Knight: Asexuality, Deviance, and Knighthood in Marie de France’s
Guigemar,” Paige Daniela Banks, Trinity College Dublin, Univ. of Dublin
IMFS Business Meeting | Friday noon | Fetzer 1045
Join us for our annual business meeting
S234 | Friday, 1:30 PM
“Marie de France in Popular Culture I: Interdisciplinary Approaches (A Roundtable)” with Mounawar Abbouchi, Univ. of Georgia; Julie Human,
Univ. of Kentucky; Katharine Margot Toohey, Independent Scholar; Mary C. Pullen
Deacon, Independent Scholar; Gail Kathleen Borrow, ExploreTheArch; and H. M.
Cushman, Univ. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
S258 | Friday, 3:30 PM
Multidisciplinary Marie de France
“Making Space for Marie de France in Lower Division Literature Courses,”
Dianna J. Blake, Iowa Western Community College
“Marie’s Lesbian Infrastructure,” Jason Jacobs, Roger Williams Univ.
“Reading Scivias in the Lais and Fables: Did Hildegard of Bingen Influence Marie
de France?” Ellen M. Thorington, Ball State Univ.
S352 | Saturday, 10AM (VIRTUAL)
“Marie de France in Popular Culture II: Marie and Lauren Groff’s Matrix (A
Roundtable)” with Irina Dumitrescu, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn; Kimberly Fonzo, Univ. of Texas–San Antonio; Elisabeth Herbst Buzay, Univ. of Connecticut; and Andrea Whitacre, Eureka College
S459 | Saturday, 7:00PM
“Performances of Marie de France” by Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar; Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.; and Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.