Medieval Clothing and Textiles 15

Congratulations to IMFS member Monica L. Wright, co-editor of the recently-released Medieval Clothing and Textiles 15 (Boydell and Brewer, 2019).
From the publisher:

The essays in this volume continue the Journal’s tradition of groundbreaking interdisciplinary work. The volume opens with a survey of the discipline of medieval clothing and textiles, written by founding editor Gale R. Owen-Crocker. The range of the other essays extends chronologically from the early Middle Ages through the fifteenth century and covers a variety of disciplines. Topics include the conception of the author as a “wordweaver” in the literatures of Anglo-Saxon England; intertextual literary identities established through clothing in the Nibelungenlied and the Völsunga Saga; the historical record of clothing and textiles at the court of King John of England; medallion silks, their use in Western Europe, and their representation in art; the vestments of Beguines and other penitential movements in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; and a depiction of heraldic textile weaving in late-medieval art.

For more information or to purchase, click here.

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Kalamazoo 2019

Papers of Interest:

S43, Thursday at 10
Far and Foul Winds in the Lais of Marie de France 
Karen Casebier, Univ. of Tennessee–Chattanooga

Session 242, Friday at 1:30
A Concerning Complex: Courtly Love and Chivalry in Marie de France
Rachel Walkover, Univ. of Rochester

S320, Friday at 3:30
Obscure Names: Reimagining Origins in the Lais of Marie de France 
Emily Dalton, Princeton Univ.

S348, Sponsored by the International Marie de France Society

Such Devoted Sisters: Sorority in Le Frêne and Eliduc 
Leslie Anderson, Bellarmine Univ. 

Conjecture: Deus amanz and Marie’s Identity 
Rupert T. Pickens, Univ. of Kentucky

Monastic Mothering: Marie’s Le Fresne and Historical Women’s Communities 
Carol Neel, Colorado College 

Femininity, Fear, and Friendship: Exploring the Homonormative in Marie de France’s Bisclavret 
Jillian K. Sutton, California State Univ.–Long Beach

International Marie de Society Business Meeting
Fetzer 1030, 12pm on Saturday

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Le Cygne to JSTOR

We are very pleased to announce that Le Cygne has been added to the new collection Lives of Literature, offered by JSTOR.

According to JSTOR,

Lives of Literature is a collection of academic journals devoted to the deep study of writers and texts associated with core literary movements. When complete, Lives of Literature will include approximately 120 journals that are all new to JSTOR.

This resource is a direct response to faculty requests for a deeper and wider set of journal content to enhance their teaching of writers and texts associated with key literary movements. The collection supports advanced literary studies and interdisciplinary research on writers and texts critical to curricula in literature, and broadens the range of authors and texts covered on JSTOR. And with its focus on journals that use an author or text as a starting place, Lives of Literature also fulfills a scholarly resource need for in-depth study and courses on a single author or text—a curricular component at many institutions.

In “Medieval Authors and Texts” series, Le Cygne joins other highly-specialized journals such as Lectura Dantis and Petrarchesca.

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Le Cygne, Volume 5

We are pleased to announce the publication of Le Cygne, Volume 5.

It contains two articles, one by Katherine Pierpont, which examines the issue of disability and deformity in the works of Chrétien de Troyes and Marie de France (with special reference to Bisclavret and Yonec), and the other by Matthieu Boyd, who examines three Breton translators (Kermoal, Hemon, and ar Gow) who have translated Marie’s lays into Breton. This issue also included four of the six papers that were given at the Kalamazoo meeting in 2018 on the occasion of a Round Table entitled “Marie and Ovid” (Rupert Pickens, Dorothy Gilbert, Emanuel Mickel and Susan Hopkirk). One of the current aims of the journal is to publish editions of Marie lays as they are found in MS S (Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. fr. 1104). After Le Fresne and the Bisclavret fragment in last year’s issue, this year we print Leslie Brook’s edition of Equitan. The present issue is completed by Tamara Caudill’s review of The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Translation by Claire M. Waters (Broadview Press, 2018) and a dissertation abstract (Joseph R. Johnson, New York University).

Submissions for the 2019 issue, and any comments or queries, will be very welcome (email address:

Glyn S. Burgess.

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Of Note: New Early Middle English Journal

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2019 ACMRS & MAP JOINT CONFERENCE: Panels of Interest

1c. Textual and Linguistic Transformation in Medieval Scandinavia

  • “Transforming the Werewolf: Bisclavret’s Textual Transmission and Reception in Thirteenth- to Fifteenth-Century Scandinavia” Basil Price, Arizona State University
  • “The Magical Other: The Marginalization of Magical Women in the Íslendingasögur” Tristan Rebe, Arizona State University 
  • “Religion, Magic, and Medieval Narratives” Laurie Price, University of New Mexico

4e. The Magical Mammal in Marie de France

SPONSORED BY: International Marie de France Society/Société internationale Marie de France (IMFS)

CHAIR: Jillian Sutton, California State University, Long Beach

  • “The Magical Amplexus between the Mouse and the Frog” Alma Valencia-Escobar, San Diego State University
  • “Were-love in Marie de France’s Bisclavret” Jason Thames, California State University, Long Beach
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2019 MAP/ACMRS Conference CFP: “The Magical Mammal in Marie De France”

Call For Papers for International Marie De France Society Sponsored Session

2019 MAP/ACMRS Conference “Magic, Religion, and Science in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance”

“The Magical Mammal in Marie De France”

This session seeks papers that focus on the works of Marie de France and the intersection of magic and the animal body. Recent scholarship, notably that of Karl Steel, has set a precedent for contextualizing animals in order to understand the political, private, and public societies that their bodies reflect in the Middle Ages. Magical moments in Marie’s works are not confined to the occult, but can engage with the miraculous, wonderful, awe-inspiring, as well as the bewitching properties of courtly love. This panel hopes to explore how these moments, in tandem with the animal body, define or destroy medieval identities in Marie’s works. Papers may address any of the known works by Marie de France (the Lais, the Fables, the Espurgatoire seint Patriz, La vie Seinte Audree) or the anonymous lays. The objective is to generate discussion on how Marie de France’s works construct complex medieval identities through the use of the animal body.

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words together with a brief bio to session organizer Jillian K. Sutton at by the 20 October 2018. Please include your name, title, and affiliation on the abstract itself.

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International Marie de France Society Call For Papers for Kalamazoo 2019

(1 – Papers) Family and Kinship in Marie de France

Twelfth-century woman poet and author of the Lais, Marie de France has long been celebrated for the richness of her courtly texts. However, her detailed insights into life and love are by no means limited to the courtly love paradigm. Rather, Marie’s works present her audience with an intimate look at friendships, alliances, rivalries, family bonds and ties of different kinds that paint a picture of the interconnectedness of medieval relationships in their context.  Papers may address any of the known works by Marie de France (the Lais, the Fables, the Espurgatoire seint Patriz, La vie Seinte Audree) or the anonymous lays.  Comparative and interdisciplinary analyses that draw connections between works of medieval literature on family and kinship are welcome. Papers may consider, but should not be limited to, gender and sexuality studies, narratology, psychology, and so on. The objective is to generate discussion on how Marie de France’s works construct relationships in the courtly context, as well as their broader meanings today.

(2 – Roundtable) Bodies and Gender in Marie de France —New Theoretical Lenses
This session focuses on how and what material bodies can signify in medieval culture in the works of Marie de France (the Lais, the Fables, the Espurgatoire seint Patriz, La vie Seinte Audree). Four to five Roundtable presenters will consider the complex spectrum of medieval gender identities revealed to us through Marie’s various literary genres, exploring medieval conversations about how narratives that focus on the body’s parameters (from essentialist to performative) might represent sex, gender, and sexuality in different ways. Presenters may consider bodies torn between the demands of the physical and the devotional, with specific focus on monstrous, hybrid, comical, political, and social bodies. Discussants will address the impact of recent theoretical interests on Marie’s narrative uses of bodies, including, but not limited to, performance theory, gender theory, and post-colonial theory. The objective is to generate discussion between roundtable presenters and participants to consider the functions of mimicry, gender-ambiguity, and wounded-ness (among others) in the creation of narrative selves, as well as how the dynamic variety of bodies represented in Marie’s works can give us access to medieval conversations about the forces underlying theological, political, social, and textual power.

(3 – Performances) Performances of Marie de France: Chevrefoil

In this performance session, three to five performers will present the lai of Marie de France entitled Chevrefoil. As in years past, the panel invites performers who revive the lai by using period music, new translations, and dramatic readings in the original language. As Joyce Coleman, Evelyn Birge Vitz, and others have argued, hearing a text read aloud or watching its performance both mirrors the way the work would have been consumed in the Middle Ages and enhances our modern understanding. Our attendees regularly report that their perception of the work changes over the course of the session. The objective is to generate discussion about the use of voice, gesture, and music in the embodiment of the text – and how its performance reveals nuances of meaning that may be lost when read in silence on the page.

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New Edition of Marie de France’s Lais

The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Translation
Translated and edited by Claire M. Waters (UC Davis)
Copyright: Broadview Press, 2018
ISBN: 9781554810826
Cost: $15.95

Broadview Press is publishing a new, facing-page edition of Marie de France’s lais. Alongside the twelve lais, the Appendices features critical essays and manuscript information.

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Kalamazoo 2018 Panels of Interest

Thursday 10:30 a.m., Bernhard 205
Session 34: Old French Literature I 
Presider: Christine Chism, Univ. of California–Los Angeles
Two Kings, Two Cuckolds, and the Meaning of Love in Marie de France’s Equitan
Sarah Kooienga, Grand Valley State Univ.
Discovering the Ship in Marie de France’s Guigemar
Yue Chen Hou, McMaster Univ.
The Sensory Perception and Connotation of Cited Refrains in Old French Chansons
James Terry, Oglethorpe Univ.
A Matter of Cors: Translating Identity in the Cansos of Arnaut Daniel
Annie Doucet, Tulane Univ.

Thursday 1:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 51: In Her Own Words: Twelfth-Century French Women’s Voices in Performance (A Performance Roundtable)
Organizer: Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.
Presider: Simonetta Cochis
A performance roundtable with Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California–Berkeley; Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky; Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar; and Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.

Thursday 7:30 p.m., Bernhard 212
Session 158: Fear of Domestic Abuse in Medieval Texts 
Organizer: Kisha G. Tracy, Fitchburg State Univ.
Presider: Eve Salisbury, Western Michigan Univ.
Marriage, Murder, and Memory: Saint Godelieve of Gistel and the Changing Uses of Her Vitae in the Later Middle Ages
Katherine Clark Walter, College at Brockport
How “Mild” Is Her “Chere”? Does The King of Tars Offer a Model for Female Empowerment?
Danielle Sottosanti, Fordham Univ.
“He hadde assayed hire ynogh bifore”: Griselda’s Patience Revisited
Amber Dunai, Texas A&M Univ.–Central Texas
Bisclavret’s Wife, Were-abusers, and the Fear of Violence
Kisha G. Tracy
Respondent: Eve Salisbury

Friday 10:00 a.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 165:  Marie and Ovid (A Roundtable) 
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.
Presider: Ed Ouellette, Air Command and Staff College
A roundtable discussion with Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California–Berkeley; Susan Hopkirk, Univ. of Toronto; Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky; Emanuel Mickel, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington; Rupert T. Pickens, Univ. of Kentucky; and Logan Whalen, Univ. of Oklahama.

Friday 1:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 222: Queering Marie 
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Leslie Anderson, Tulane Univ.
Presider: Leslie Anderson
Feminization and Queer Violence in the Lais of Marie de France
Elizabeth Liendo, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Queer Embodiment, Homosocial Imagining, and Human Being in Bisclavret
Emily McLemore, Univ. of Notre Dame
Shapeshifting Knights and Subservient Wives: Marie de France Challenging Marriage within Her Lais
Marybeth Perdomo, Univ. of New Mexico
Fathers Beware: Marie de France, Les Deus Amanz, and the Case for Tempered Paternal Love
Audrey C. Townsend, Univ. of Oklahoma

Friday 3:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 280: Le Fresne Again! Ten Years of Performing Marie de France (A Performance)
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.
Presider: Arielle McKee, Purdue Univ.
Performances by Walter A. Blue, Hamline Univ.; Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.; Ronald Cook, Independent Scholar; Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California– Berkeley; and Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar; with discussant Evelyn Birge Vitz, New York Univ.

Saturday 12:00 noon
Fetzer 1030
International Marie de France Society Business Meeting

Saturday 1:30 p.m., Valley 3 Stinson Lounge
Session 397: Performing Courtly Love
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Organizer: Christopher Callahan, Illinois Wesleyan Univ.
Presider: Christopher Callahan
Performing Courtly Love in Pas d’armes: The St. Petersburg Manuscript of the
Pas de Saumur
Catherine Blunk, Drury Univ.
“I’ve been through the forest on a horse with bad reins”: Performing the Lay of Trot
Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.

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