Author: Tamara Caudill

  • Le Cygne, Volume 5

    We are pleased to announce the publication of Le Cygne, Volume 5. It contains two articles, one by Katherine Pierpont, which examines the issue of disability and deformity in the works of Chrétien de Troyes and Marie de France (with special reference to Bisclavret and Yonec), and the other by Matthieu Boyd, who examines three Breton…

  • CFP for ICMS 2018, Kalamazoo, Michigan

    The International Marie de France Society will sponsor three panels for the International Congress on Medieval Studies, to be held on the campus of Western Michigan University, May 10-13, 2018. Abstracts must be received by the session organizer, Tamara Bentley Caudill (, by September 15, 2017. New for 2018: Graduate Students who participate as panelists…

  • New Site:

    Due to an administrative oversight, we have lost rights to our former site. We are in the process of moving as much content as possible to the new one as well as setting up electronic membership payments. Thank you for your patience.

  • Announcing New Officers, 2016

    The following were elected via e-mail following nomination at the annual meeting at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 10, 2014 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. President—Tamara Bentley Caudill, Tulane University Vice-President—Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania University Secretary-Treasurer—Ed Ouellette, Air Force Officer and Staff College Appointees and other leadership changes: Ann McCullough (Middle Tennessee State) rotated into the…

  • ICLS Panels 2016 – Tentative

    The following Marie de France papers will be presented at the 15th Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, July 24-29 at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.  Dates and times subject to change. We will update again once the official program has been printed. For more information on the conference, visit Tuesday, July 26 is “Marie…

  • Highlights from Kzoo Sneak Peak!

    The Kalamazoo Sneak Peak is now available online! Some highlights for scholars of Marie de France are as follows: Friday, 1:30 PM: Session 249 Unwilling Wives: Doon, Melian, and Bisclavret, Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner, Boston College Friday,  3:30PM: Session 298 Marie de France: A Case Study of Cultural Shift and Literary Motherhood, Kimberly Tate Anderson, Florida…

  • Le Cygne, Vol. 2 (3rd Series) announced

    For the second year in a row, Le Cygne will send out its annual issue in the early months of the new year.  Contributions are as follows: ARTICLES Beston, John. ” The Role of the Secretary Girart in the Old French Lay of Amours.” Brown, Brandy N. “A Hard Day’s Knight: The Journey to the Otherworld in…

  • ICLS 2016 Call for Papers – Marie de France panel(s)

    The International Marie de France Society aims to sponsor 1-2 panels at the XVth Congress Of the International Courtly Literature Society University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky USA 24-29 July 2016 Embracing Lexington’s status as the horse capital of the world, the theme of the Congress is Courtly Pastimes. This event promises to be memorable!…

  • New Italian edition of Guingamor, Tydorel, and Tyolet

    Edizioni dell’Orso announces an all-new Italian translation of the anonymous Breton lais Guingamor, Tydorel, and Tyolet. The volume includes a scholarly presentation of the lais as well as a Glossary and Bibliography. Translation and presentation: Margherita Lecco (Università di Genova) ISBN: 978-88-6274-612-0 Cost: € 16.00 Copyright: 2015 For more information, visit the Website (in Italian).  

  • ICLS Call for Papers

    The Fifteenth Triennial International Courtly Literature Society Congress has released its Call for Papers. The Congress will be held 24-29 July 2016 at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. The International Marie de France Society will be organizing 1-2 panels for the event, with details forthcoming. Those wishing to submit directly to the Congress…